Asthma and Allergies in Children – Diagnosis and Treatment

Asthma is a severe bronchial condition whereby some stimuli end up causing the airways to narrow temporarily. Hence, it starts causing difficulty breathing.

Even though asthma can strike at any time of life, this is most common in children, particularly those under the age of five. Some children have asthma until they reach adulthood. Except during an asthma attack, most affected children can still converse with their surroundings. Only a couple of children are immune to asthma medications and require sports and play daily.

What Triggers Allergy and Asthma?

Children with asthma typically react to certain triggers for unknown reasons. Numerous factors contribute to asthma attacks, but the reasons differ slightly from child to child. Several factors activate asthma attacks, including indoor irritants such as

  • Strong odors and allergen vapors (perfume, tobacco smoke)
  • Pollution from outside: cold air, exercise
  • Emotional disturbance
  • Viral respiratory infections
  • And various allergenic substances, such as animal dander, dust, pollen, and mold.

All stimuli end up causing the very same reaction; some cells in the nasal passages release chemical substances.

These substances inflame and swell the airways, causing the muscle tissue in the respiratory passages to contract. It reduces chemical stimulation to increase mucus production in the airways, causing cell spilling in the air passage and broadening the muscle cells in the airway wall.

Each reaction abruptly triggers in the smaller airways (asthma attacks). In most cases, the air passage returns to the normal state between asthma seizures.

How Can You Diagnose Asthma?

A doctor typically suspects asthma in children who constantly wheezes, especially if family members have asthma or allergies. Children who experience wheezing episodes are tested for other disorders, such as fiber or gastro-esophageal recurrent cysts. Although the lung function of stout children is normal between relapses, older children may undergo lung function tests.

One or more children with asthma stay in control. Those with more clinical complications are more likely to have asthma as teenagers.

Treatment of Asthma

The treatment of severe clinical conditions gets treated by opening the nasal passages (bronchodilation) and blocking the inflammation. Various inhaled medications are available for opening airways (bronchodilator). Older children and teenagers can typically use the prescribed drugs with a metered dose inhalation device.

Children over the age of eight find it simple to use inhalation with a buffer or spacer room installed. Newborns and toddlers can sometimes use a spacer and infant-size masks when inhaled.

Children with mild asthma have infrequent attacks and typically take medication only during the attack. Children suffering from frequent or severe attacks must use prescription medications even when they’re not under triggering conditions.

However, it’s advisable to call allergy and asthma San Antonio specialist doctors during the time of sudden attacks and prevent any DIY medications. Otherwise, the situation can worsen unimaginably.

Children with repetitive or extreme asthma are also given one or more medications, such as long-term bronchodilators and inhaled puffs.

If these medications do not stop the constant barrage, the child may require expert medical attention. Children who have experienced rapid growth during exercise usually inhale a bronchodilator dose just before exercise to prevent the drastic side effects of allergy and asthma San Antonio.

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