The Causes Behind Spider Veins
Typically found on the legs and face, spider veins seem like webs of blue, red, or purple threads on the skin. Spider veins are not harmful, but they might, nonetheless, damage your appearance and self-esteem. If you want your skin to look normal again, you might decide to have your spider veins surgically removed with a spider vein surgery in South Carolina.
Spider veins—what are they?
The heart’s continual pumping transports oxygen and nutrients to every cell in the body and removes waste. To achieve this, a system of tubes is utilized. Arteries are the blood vessels that lead away from the heart, and veins are the ones that lead back.
 Veins are equipped with tiny valves that allow blood to flow in one direction only, back toward the heart. In the event that these valves fail and permit blood to flow backward, the vein will expand to the point where it is visible through the skin. Spider veins get their name from the way they often form, which looks like the shape of a spider.
 Spider veins are an extremely prevalent venous issue, especially among females. Spider veins typically do not cause any discomfort apart from cosmetic problems, and many circumstances might lead to their appearance.
Why does one have spider veins?
Vein dysfunction, which is the underlying cause of spider veins, results in abnormal valve function. Many different things can cause spider veins.
- Hormones
Hormonal changes cause spider veins to appear in many women throughout pregnancy and menopause. Since estrogen and progesterone both cause vein dilation and potentially weaken vein wall strength, they increase venous reflux risk. Hormone replacement therapy and oral contraceptives have comparable results.
- Genetics
Given that your parent’s genes can affect the shape and function of your veins, they might also be to blame for your spider veins. You are more likely to get spider veins if someone in your family has them.
- Activity
Spider veins are more likely to appear in people whose jobs require them to stand for long periods of time because the veins in their legs must exert more force to return blood to the heart. You are more at risk for spider veins if you lead a sedentary lifestyle and/or are overweight.
- Age
Age also increases the likelihood of getting spider veins. The venous valves in your body are susceptible to deterioration and loss of function with age. Once they do so, your heart is essentially bypassed, and blood begins to flow away from it.