Anus Skin Tags Removal – Things You Would Want to Know!
Anal Skin tags are non-cancerous skin growths that occur around the anus. This skin tag is sometimes not noticeable as they are quite small in size and the color often blends with the skin tone. Although they do not cause any such complications and can be left alone, they can sometimes cause itchiness and be very sensitive when touched. If you are among those who wish to remove these skin tags then it is best to consult a dermatologist or other qualified health professionals. Trying to remove these tags alone at home is not recommended as it may lead to complications.
Skin tags can be troublesome but most people prefer to live with them because of the anus skin tags surgery costs as it is categorized under cosmetic surgery. However, diagnosing this kind of skin growth is not that difficult and can be easily removed. After determining the cause of the skin tags, some of them can be easily avoided by making simple changes in your lifestyle.
Symptoms of Anal Skin Tag
The symptoms of anal skin tags may be categorized in terms of color, size, etc. Color-wise they easily blend with the skin tone. Sometimes they appear slightly darker. The appearance is very similar to a tiny bump with a tiny stalk attached. Generally, the size is lesser than 6mm but sometimes they can grow to a few centimeters.
As far as other symptoms are concerned, they are non-cancerous and do not cause any major symptoms that may pose a health threat. However, at times it might cause itchiness, and tenderness when touched. It can be quite bothersome as well. When you clean the area after your bowel movement, it might even cause inflammation.
Causes of Anal Skin Tags
Skin tags may grow anywhere on the skin. And the main cause is not yet known. However, in some people, it could be due to their hereditary status. When skin tags grow in the anal area it could be due to one or more of the following reasons:
Irritation – Friction or irritation due to exercises, wearing tight clothing, sitting for a long duration, etc might lead to the development of anal akin tags.
Diarrhea – When you suffer from diarrhea, the skin in the anal area becomes irritated. This is because the loose stool that you are passing is acidic in nature. If you frequently wipe it off with toilet paper skin inflammation occurs leading to the development of skin tags in the area.
Constipation – Straining often causes the blood vessels in the anal area to bulge. And sometimes the skin fails to return to its original shape due to continuous stretching in the case of constipation. As a result, it is very likely for skin tags to develop.
Scarring – Those individuals suffering from the condition called anal fissures may be familiar with this condition. When the anus heals from anal fissures, it leaves behind a scar that might lead to the development of anal skin tags.
Hemorrhoids – It is very common among those suffering from hemorrhoids to experience swelling and inflamed veins. When this condition is healed, there is a possibility for some skin to be left behind. This can result in the formation of skin tags.
Crohn’s disease – This is a condition where the intestines are inflamed and can cause various symptoms among which diarrhea and constipation are also one of them. There are substantial indications suggesting that people suffering from Crohn’s disease are prone to the development of anal skin tags.
Will Anal Skin Tags Go Away?
The answer is short and simple. Unless you identify the reason for its occurrence it is not possible to prevent skin tags from developing. Also, anal skin tags will not go away on its own once it grows. And since it grows in the most delicate part of the body, it might cause discomfort. This is one such condition that most people find it embarrassing to discuss even with their doctors let alone share the problem with others.
Yet it is always better to visit a healthcare provider to ascertain whether the skin tag is detrimental to your health or not. Whatever may be the cause, most people prefer to get it removed as it is a short and simple in-office procedure.
Why Avoid Home Remedies for Anal Skin Tag Removal
As such, there is no guarantee that home remedies will effectively help in the removal of anal skin tags. So it is best to avoid them. Many might suggest home remedies such as apple cider vinegar, vitamin E, tea tree oil, etc. However, the skin around the anus is delicate and sensitive, and using such home remedies might cause irritation and inflammation. So chances are high that such remedies might cause more harm.
Also using over-the-counter products such as freezing kits is not at all effective. There is a high chance that it might even cause skin irritation. So if you are really concerned about the skin tags then the best option is to go for skin tag surgery. It is safe and effective and also provides you with long-term benefits. Why try anal skin tag removal at home and risk bleeding and infection, when you can get it removed clinically safely, and easily.
Anal Skin Tag Removal Procedure
As far as the clinical skin tag removal procedure is concerned, the duration of the procedure may vary from individual to individual. On average it takes about 30-60 minutes at the most. Post-surgery, your healthcare provider might recommend using liquid diets and laxatives so as to reduce strain in the restroom. You will also be provided with prescriptions that will be helpful in easing the pain and preventing infections.
During recovery, the individual must avoid any strenuous activities. Heavy lifting should be strictly avoided. The individual must rest for the day. Normally, anyone who has gone through such a procedure can return back to work the next day and will be able to get back to normal activities in a week or so.
It is a must that you follow your doctor’s post-surgery advice strictly as it will be helpful in speeding up the healing process. Your doctor might also prescribe you medications such as pain medications, antibiotics, and antifungal cream. This will be helpful in quickening the healing process, alleviating discomfort, and avoiding infection.