How to Handle the Emergencies of Invisalign Braces at Home?
Invisalign braces can help you take care of many dental issues. When these braces are damaged or broken, you must take care of them yourself. Your orthodontist will help you understand it so that you can be prepared whenever required.
Smile Patio Orthodontics, a famous orthodontic center in Vista, California, guarantees to bring back the lost confidence and a beautiful smile on your face. They will not only help you with the required invisalign provider techniques but will also guide you through possible emergency care. Visit them for all the required information.
Possible Invisalign Emergencies
Here are some possible emergencies that might arise after invisalign braces installation.
- Sharp Aligners – Irritation and discomfort possibly occur on the cheeks and gums when your invisalign braces have sharp edges. At times something sharp might get etched onto the braces and can cause soreness of the gum lining.
You can fix it by taking a nail file and filing the aligner. However, do not get carried away, as this might damage the aligner’s structure.
- Ran Out of Aligners—Sometimes, you might run out of aligners and trays. The orthodontists change your aligners every 15 to 21 days. You will be provided with new aligners to proceed to the next step of treatment.
When you are due for a new aligner or have another such issue, then you should consult your orthodontist.
- Stained Aligners – Some beverages like curry, wine, and coffee might leave behind stains on the aligners when you drink with the braces on. Some food items such as snacks and crunches can leave the stains of artificial colors used in them.
Never forget to brush and rinse your mouth after eating food when you have invisalign.
- Cracked Aligners – Constant usage of invisalign aligners for 22 hours a day can cause cracks and damages. When you notice cracks on your braces, you should remove them always from the opposite side.
The aligner’s crack can worsen if you do not care for it. Hence, remove it as soon as you notice the crack and contact your orthodontist as gently as possible.
- Broken Buttons or Attachments – The attachments used for braces can sometimes fall off or break. These are the handlebars that help in resetting your teeth to the perfect shape. This factor is not considered an emergency and can be taken care of the next time you visit your orthodontist.
Invisalign braces are the most preferred option because of their benefits. These braces do not require constant visit to the orthodontists, unlike the wired braces. People with busy schedule and who cannot spare enough time for doctor visits choose invisalign braces.
Invisalign braces do not require constant care like the other braces. They require minimal maintenance and can be removed during eating, or while sleeping, at the initial days. These braces are the best solution for many dental issues that have kept you from smiling and speaking openly in the society.
Your orthodontist can help you with all your issues related to the damaged invisalign braces. The orthodontist will offer best solution for all such problems.